What's New in Version 14.0?
- Revision of certain Page for Optimization.
Complete List of New Features from v13 to v14 (In 3 Months)
New Mod/Datapack! GD CraftsEnhanced
New Structure Available! (Small Mangrove House)
You can now filter Structures and Worlds to more easily search Minecraft Structures.
Addition of a Change Log for Structures (In case of Update)
Improvement of the GD Shop
Improvement of Certain Page
Improved Translations
Interface improvement in some places
Improved Design on the Registration Window
Improvement of some Pop-Up Window
Improved the Minecraft Structures page (With a New Filter)!
Update of some Obsolete Link
The Home page has had some small Layout Improvements
The Gallery Creations page has been renamed to Portfolio (The link to the page too)
Updating some link in English: La Boutique GD -> /gd-shop
Updated Link for: Minecraft Constructions -> /structures-minecraft
Updating the Member Benefits Page
Updating some databases
Optimization of certain pages on Mobile
Fixed Footer too big on Mobile
Display Correction and Optimization